June 20, 2023

Is There a Link Between Narcissism and Addiction?

Frame 1077241738Clinically Reviewed by Lionel Estrada, LISAC

narcissism and addiction

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Julie Miller

Recovery Writer and Advocate


Last Update on January 15, 2025

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Narcissism and addiction are two words that can instantly evoke strong emotions, but have you ever considered their hidden connection?

As we delve deeper into the labyrinth of the human psyche, a surprising link emerges between these seemingly disparate conditions.

In this article, we aim to shed light on this intriguing intersection of personality and behavior, peering beneath our reflections to reveal how our most profound self-love could be intertwined with our most self-destructive habits.


Understanding Narcissism


Narcissism is a term rooted in psychology that denotes an excessive self-focus characterized by an amplified sense of self-importance and self-admiration.

Originating from the Greek myth of Narcissus, who fell in love with his reflection, it encapsulates the concept of extreme self-love and self-obsession1.

While everyone carries a degree of narcissism, which can be healthy and crucial for self-esteem and self-advocacy, it can become problematic when it results in a persistent pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior.

Narcissists often have a strong need for admiration, lack empathy for others, and are preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, or beauty.

However, beneath this mask of extreme confidence often lies a fragile self-esteem, highly vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

It’s crucial to differentiate between healthy self-esteem and narcissism—the latter can lead to significant interpersonal problems and sometimes even indicate the presence of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).



Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental health disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity in fantasy or behavior, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.

This is not just an inflated ego; individuals with NPD often demonstrate an excessive preoccupation with personal adequacy, power, prestige, and vanity.

These individuals may appear supremely confident, but their self-esteem can be pretty fragile as they depend heavily on the validation of others.

This leads them to react with rage or contempt or use others to shape their self-image when they feel slighted or criticized.

NPD can significantly impact relationships, work, financial affairs, and overall quality of life, as individuals struggle with maintaining healthy emotional connections and often exhibit manipulative or exploitative behavior.

It’s important to understand that NPD is a severe mental health condition that requires professional diagnosis and treatment.



Narcissism is often categorized into two distinct types: grandiose and vulnerable narcissism.

Grandiose narcissism, or overt narcissism, is characterized by outward expressions of self-absorption, arrogance, entitlement, and a constant need for admiration.

These individuals often project an image of supreme confidence and superiority, frequently dominating conversations, seeking out high-status connections, and having little regard for the feelings or needs of others.

On the other hand, vulnerable narcissism, sometimes called covert or closet narcissism, is less conspicuous but just as impactful.

Unlike their grandiose counterparts, vulnerable narcissists often appear shy, introverted, and hypersensitive to criticism.

Yet, they harbor the same exaggerated sense of self-importance and entitlement.

Their narcissism is characterized by constant rumination over their inadequacies, a tendency to feel victimized, and a strong desire for recognition and affirmation, which they often think they’re not receiving.

Both narcissisms challenge interpersonal relationships and personal growth, yet they manifest differently, underscoring the complexity of narcissistic behavior.



Individuals exhibiting narcissistic tendencies often display a series of recognizable traits and behaviors.

They usually have an inflated sense of self-importance, constantly seeking and requiring excessive admiration from others.

This can manifest as an obsession with fantasies of unlimited success, power, beauty, perfect love, or a belief that they are unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other exceptional or high-status individuals.

Narcissists often demonstrate a sense of entitlement, expecting preferential treatment and reacting with surprise or anger if they don’t receive it.

Interpersonally, they may exploit others to achieve their ends, with little to no regard for the feelings or needs of those around them.

This lack of empathy is a hallmark of selfish behavior, often leading to challenges in forming and maintaining relationships.

Furthermore, narcissists can be hypersensitive to perceived slights, reacting with contempt, rage, or efforts to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior.

However, it’s important to note that these behaviors often mask fragile self-esteem.

Any criticism or defeat can be perceived as a threat, leading to defensiveness or withdrawal.

Despite the outer facade of confidence and superiority, narcissists often struggle with feelings of insecurity and worthlessness.


Trait/Behavior Definition
Inflated Sense of Self-Importance Narcissists often have an overinflated view of their abilities and their worth. They perceive themselves as superior and believe they deserve special treatment.
Need for Excessive Admiration Craving constant praise and recognition is a hallmark trait of narcissists. They seek out admiration to reinforce their self-perception of superiority.
Preoccupation with Fantasies of Success, Power, Beauty, etc. Narcissists often obsess over fantasies of unparalleled success, power, beauty, or ideal love, furthering their sense of grandiosity and entitlement.
Exploitative Behavior Individuals with narcissism often exploit others without guilt or remorse to attain their ends. This exploitation is driven by their sense of entitlement and lack of empathy.
Lack of Empathy Narcissists struggle with understanding or sharing the feelings of others. This lack of empathy leads to difficulties in forming and maintaining close relationships.
Hypersensitivity to Criticism Despite their outer confidence, narcissists have fragile self-esteem and are highly sensitive to criticism or defeat. They often react defensively or withdraw when faced with criticism.



The development of narcissism is typically attributed to a complex interplay of biopsychosocial factors, with the precise causes still not fully understood.

On a biological level, some evidence suggests a potential genetic component, indicating that narcissistic traits may be inherited2.

Psychological factors often trace back to early developmental experiences.

For instance, parenting styles have been linked to the development of narcissism, with excessive pampering, overvaluation, or, conversely, neglect and criticism all playing a potential role.

Interactions that either excessively boost or damage a child’s self-esteem can lead to the development of narcissistic defenses later in life.

In addition to these, social and cultural factors also contribute to shaping narcissistic behaviors.

Society’s emphasis on individual success, attractiveness, and material wealth can potentially foster narcissistic tendencies.

The increasing prevalence of social media, which often encourages self-promotion and comparison, is also suspected to influence the rise of narcissistic behaviors.

It’s important to note that these factors do not guarantee the development of narcissism but can increase the risk in specific individuals.


The Link Between Narcissism and Addiction

In psychology and mental health, there has been a growing recognition of the connection between narcissism and addiction.

While these two conditions may appear distinct on the surface, they share several overlapping features that suggest a more profound link.

Both narcissism and addiction involve compulsive behavior, self-focus patterns, and an insatiable need for external validation or gratification.

This may manifest as a desire for admiration or superiority for the narcissist. At the same time, for the individual with an addiction, it might present as a need for a particular substance or behavior to feel good or avoid negative feelings.

In both cases, this pursuit of gratification often comes at the expense of other areas of life, such as personal relationships or professional achievements.

Recent studies have revealed higher rates of substance use disorders and other addictions among individuals with narcissistic traits, suggesting a potential pathway from narcissism to addiction3.



While seemingly disparate, narcissism and addiction share several key underlying factors that contribute to their connection.

One of the most prominent is low self-esteem.

Despite the outward appearance of grandiosity and self-importance, many narcissists harbor a fragile self-esteem heavily dependent on external validation.

This is similar to individuals with addictions who may use substances or behaviors to cope with feelings of inadequacy or low self-worth.

Another shared factor is difficulty in emotional regulation.

Both narcissists and those with addictions often struggle to effectively manage their emotions, particularly negative ones such as anger, anxiety, or depression.

This difficulty can result in maladaptive coping strategies, such as substance abuse, in an attempt to self-soothe or escape from uncomfortable feelings.

Impulsivity is another common trait, with narcissists and individuals with addictions often demonstrating a tendency for risky or thoughtless behaviors without considering the potential consequences.

This shared impulsivity can contribute to the developing of addictive behaviors in narcissistic individuals.

Finally, interpersonal difficulties are common in both narcissism and addiction.

The self-centeredness and lack of empathy inherent in narcissism can result in troubled relationships, as can the deceit and manipulation often associated with addiction.

These challenges can further exacerbate feelings of isolation and distress, potentially contributing to a cycle of increased narcissistic or addictive behaviors.


Underlying Factor Description in Narcissism Description in Addiction
Low Self-Esteem Despite the façade of grandiosity, narcissists often harbor a fragile self-esteem that heavily relies on external validation. Individuals struggling with addiction often grapple with feelings of inadequacy or low self-worth, using substances or behaviors as coping mechanisms.
Difficulty in Emotional Regulation Narcissists often struggle to manage negative emotions effectively, which can result in maladaptive coping strategies. Like narcissists, those with addictions frequently experience difficulties managing their emotions, often resorting to substance use or addictive behaviors to self-soothe.
Impulsivity Narcissists may demonstrate impulsive behaviors, often engaging in risky activities without considering potential consequences. Impulsivity is a hallmark of addiction, with individuals frequently demonstrating a pattern of rash decision-making and risk-taking behaviors.
Interpersonal Difficulties The self-centeredness and lack of empathy inherent in narcissism often lead to strained relationships. Addiction often creates interpersonal difficulties due to deceit, manipulation, or neglect of responsibilities, exacerbating feelings of isolation and distress.



Addiction can often serve as a self-medication for individuals with narcissistic traits.

Narcissists often exhibit a heightened sense of invulnerability and superiority, leading them to underestimate the risks associated with substance use.

As a result, they may engage in substance use more readily, increasing their risk of developing an addiction.

Despite their grandiose self-image, many narcissists harbor profound inadequacy and insecurity.

When faced with unmet expectations or criticism, they may experience profound emotional distress, which they may attempt to alleviate through substance use.

The temporary relief the substance provides can create an illusion of self-sufficiency and control, reinforcing narcissistic traits.

However, this temporary relief can also lead to an increased dependence on the substance, further perpetuating a cycle of substance use and denial.

As the addiction progresses, it can exacerbate narcissistic traits and lead to further interpersonal difficulties and emotional distress.

It’s important to note that the interplay between substance addiction and narcissism can pose significant challenges to treatment, often requiring a comprehensive approach that addresses both issues.


The Role of Narcissism in Other Addictions


The link between narcissism and behavioral addictions, such as gambling, sex, and shopping, is important in understanding the broader connection between narcissism and addictive behaviors.

Like substance addiction, behavioral addictions can provide temporary relief or gratification to narcissists, acting as a form of self-medication for underlying feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, or emptiness.

For instance, a narcissist with a gambling addiction might seek the thrill of winning to confirm their sense of superiority and invulnerability.

A sex addiction might serve as a way for narcissists to gain validation and exert control, while a shopping addiction can be a means to maintain their grandiose self-image and status.

However, these addictive behaviors, while providing short-term relief, often exacerbate the narcissist’s long-term problems.

They can lead to significant personal, professional, and financial difficulties, further feeding into the cycle of narcissism and addiction.

Moreover, the tendency of narcissists to deny their vulnerabilities can make it challenging for them to acknowledge these problems and seek help, often requiring specialized therapeutic interventions.



The internet and social media have introduced a new dimension to the connection between narcissism and addiction.

Social media platforms, in particular, can act as an arena for narcissists to seek the admiration and attention they crave4.

They often use these platforms to curate an idealized self-image and compare themselves favorably with others, reinforcing their sense of superiority and self-importance.

However, this engagement with social media can quickly become an addiction.

Narcissists may become overly reliant on the validation they receive through likes, shares, and positive comments, leading to a constant need to check and interact with their social media accounts.

Social media’s instant gratification can appeal to narcissists, but it often only masks their insecurity and inadequacy.

Over time, this dependence on social media for validation can lead to significant distress and functional impairment, characteristic features of addiction.

Moreover, the anonymity and lack of face-to-face interaction offered by the internet can further exacerbate narcissistic tendencies, as it reduces empathy and increases the likelihood of exploiting others.

This form of addiction is increasingly recognized as a significant issue, requiring further research and specialized therapeutic strategies.


The Impact of Narcissism on Addiction Treatment and Recovery


Treating individuals with narcissistic traits presents a unique set of challenges.

One of the primary obstacles is the narcissist’s denial of their issues or vulnerabilities, primarily driven by their need to maintain an idealized self-image.

This often leads to a lack of self-awareness about their condition and a reluctance to seek help, making initiating treatment difficult.

Even when they enter treatment, their hypersensitivity to criticism and tendency to blame others can hinder therapeutic progress.

Additionally, their lack of empathy and exploitative nature can create significant challenges in the therapeutic relationship.

They may attempt to manipulate the therapist to gain admiration or avoid confronting their issues.

Furthermore, co-occurring conditions like addiction can compound these difficulties, requiring a comprehensive and multidimensional treatment approach.

Despite these challenges, progress can be made with tailored therapeutic approaches, such as schema-focused therapy or dialectical behavior therapy, which can help narcissistic individuals build self-awareness, improve emotional regulation, and foster healthier interpersonal relationships.

Developing a solid therapeutic alliance, marked by trust, respect, and patience, can also be crucial in overcoming these challenges and facilitating positive change.



The complexity of treating addiction in individuals with narcissistic traits necessitates a comprehensive and individualized approach.

Therapies should address both the addiction and the underlying narcissistic traits, as the two often interact and reinforce each other.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a commonly used approach that can benefit both addiction and narcissism.

It can help individuals recognize and change maladaptive thought patterns and behaviors, improve emotional regulation, and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Schema-focused therapy can be particularly effective for narcissism.

This therapy aims to restructure maladaptive schemas (deep-seated patterns of thinking and feeling) that underlie narcissistic behavior, helping the individual to develop a healthier self-image and interpersonal relations.

Treatments such as detox, yoga, meditation, and 12-step programs can be very effective for the addiction component.

These treatments can help manage withdrawal symptoms, build motivation for change, and provide a supportive community for recovery.

A crucial component of treatment is building a solid therapeutic alliance marked by trust, respect, and patience.

This can help overcome the narcissistic individual’s defenses and resistance to treatment, facilitating their engagement in the therapeutic process.

Given the complex interplay between narcissism and addiction, ongoing research is essential to refine these treatment strategies and improve outcomes.


Recovery Is Possible

The intricate relationship between narcissism and addiction is complex and multifaceted, with shared underlying factors and self-medication mechanisms.

While narcissism can act as a vulnerability factor for various forms of addiction, including substance and behavioral addictions and even internet and social media addiction, it also poses significant challenges to treatment.

Despite these challenges, recovery is possible with comprehensive, individualized treatment strategies that address both the addiction and the underlying narcissistic traits.

As we strive to understand this relationship more deeply, we continue to develop and refine therapeutic approaches that offer hope for individuals struggling with these interwoven issues.

In the face of narcissism and addiction, it’s crucial to remember that change is possible and attainable – because even in the shadow of the self, the light of recovery can shine bright.


If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, please get in touch with us at Cornerstone Healing Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, for a free and confidential assessment today.

Let us help you become the best version of yourself today!



[1] Narcissus (mythology)

[2] Narcissistic Personality Disorder Overview

[3] Self-reported narcissistic traits in patients with addiction through the lens of the ICD-11 model for personality disorders

[4] Social Media Use and Vulnerable Narcissism: The Differential Roles of Oversensitivity and Egocentricity

Published: 6/20/2023

Main Contributor: Julie Miller

Co-contributor: Susana Spiegel


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Author & Reviewers

lionel estrada lisac clinical director

Lionel is the Clinical Director of Cornerstone’s Scottsdale treatment facilities. He has had over 4 years at Cornerstone. He is personally in recovery and passionate about helping others overcome substance abuse and mental health challenges; he is trained as an EMDR, adopting a trauma-informed approach to treat the underlying issues.

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