Glendale DUI Classes Online

ADOT approved, DMV approved, MVD approved, Arizona Court Approved screenings for DUI and DWI

Cornerstone offers MVD approved online DUI Classes, Alcohol Screenings, and Assessments. All of our services are provided online, so you can resolve your DUI on your time, from anywhere. We guarantee that we’ll beat any competitors prices by 10%. Get started today!

low cost guarantee dui classes, dui education, and dui assessments


dui classes and assessments, low cost, payment plans available

Payment plans to fit every budget

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arizona dui classes and arizona alcohol screenings

Glendale, AZ DUI Classes and Assessments Online

All of Cornerstone DUI’s courses are not only court-approved but also ADOT-certified, ensuring full compliance with state regulations. Our dedicated team of experienced instructors and exceptional customer support are here to guide you through the process every step of the way.

Take advantage of our competitive pricing and 10% competitor’s discount, making our high-quality DUI classes and assessments more accessible and affordable than ever.

Discover the most convenient and effective way to complete your Glendale, AZ DUI Classes and Assessments online with Cornerstone DUI. Our comprehensive, user-friendly DUI courses are designed to fit your busy lifestyle while fulfilling Arizona court-mandated requirements. We offer Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 classes to accommodate various circumstances, from first-time offenders to those with multiple offenses.

Lowest Prices

low cost guarantee dui classes, dui education, and dui assessments

We’ll beat ANY competitor’s prices by 10%

Payment plans available to fit any budget

Online DUI Classes

scottsdale DUI services

Online DUI Classes

Our DUI classes offer unparalleled convenience and flexibility by being accessible from any device, anytime, and location. This adaptability allows individuals to complete the courses within their schedules without physical attendance. With a self-paced approach, participants can dedicate time to absorb and understand the material thoroughly, ensuring a more meaningful and effective learning experience. By leveraging modern technology, we strive to provide a user-friendly, convenient, and efficient solution for individuals seeking to address DUI-related concerns and requirements.

Arizona DUI Classes Available

Once you complete the online alcohol screening, you will be enrolled in one of the following Arizona State DUI programs:

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How our classes can help you

DUI education plays a critical role in promoting public safety and reducing the incidence of impaired driving in Glendale, AZ. By raising awareness about the dangers and consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, DUI education encourages responsible decision-making and helps prevent tragic accidents.

Additionally, DUI education addresses the root causes of impaired driving, such as substance abuse and addiction, by providing resources and support for individuals seeking treatment. 

In Glendale, AZ, the importance of DUI education cannot be overstated, as it significantly impacts individual lives, public safety, and overall community well-being.

scottsdale online alcohol assessment, online alcohol screening

Services for the State of Arizona

Below are the list of areas we provide DUI services in Arizona:

  • Tucson
  • Sun City West
  • Litchfield Park
  • Guadalupe
  • Prescott
  • Cottonwood
  • Flagstaff
  • Yuma
  • Maricopa

DUI while visiting Arizona? We've got you covered.

If you are from out of state and you’ve received a driving under the influence in Arizona, we can help you. You can take our classes conveniently from anywhere.



Frequently Asked Questions

DUI classes are educational programs designed for individuals charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs. They aim to increase awareness about the dangers and consequences of impaired driving, promote responsible decision-making, and provide information on substance abuse prevention and treatment. In Glendale, DUI classes are often required as part of the sentencing process, probation conditions, or in conjunction with other penalties to reduce the risk of repeat offenses and enhance public safety.

Yes, Cornerstone DUI is an approved DUI class provider serving Glendale and the surrounding areas. They offer high-quality, comprehensive, and engaging courses to meet the specific needs of their students.
Yes, Cornerstone DUI’s classes are ADOT approved, ensuring that they meet the standards and requirements set by the Arizona Department of Transportation.
The length of DUI classes depends on the severity of the offense, state requirements, and individual court mandates. Typically, there are different levels of DUI classes, each with a specific duration. Level 1 classes for first-time offenders may range from 12 to 16 hours, while Level 2 and Level 3 classes for repeat offenders or more severe charges could be longer.
DUI classes cover topics such as DUI laws, the effects of alcohol and drugs on driving, substance abuse prevention, responsible decision-making, and the consequences of impaired driving.
Cornerstone DUI offers online DUI classes, allowing you to complete your court-mandated requirements without attending in-person sessions. Their user-friendly platform is accessible 24/7, providing you with the convenience to learn at your own pace and from any location with an internet connection.
The cost of DUI classes in Glendale varies depending on the course level and provider. Cornerstone DUI offers competitive pricing and a 10% competitor’s discount, making their courses more affordable. While they may not have specific financial assistance options, their flexible payment plans can help make the classes accessible to everyone.
Not attending or completing a DUI class can result in additional penalties, such as fines, license suspension, probation violation, or even jail time. Completing the classes is crucial to fulfilling your legal requirements and avoiding further consequences.
Cornerstone DUI submits proof of completion directly to the court on your behalf, ensuring that your requirements are met and documented.
No, if you received a DUI in the State of Arizona but live outside the state, you must still complete your DUI requirements with an Arizona provider. However, Arizona is one of the states that allows online classes, so you can take online classes from any location! 
Level 1 classes are typically for first-time offenders, while Level 2 and Level 3 classes are for repeat offenders or those with more severe charges. Each level has a different duration and intensity of education, focusing on various aspects of DUI consequences, prevention, and treatment.
DUI classes in Glendale educate participants on the dangers of impaired driving, promote responsible decision-making, and provide resources for addressing substance abuse. By raising awareness and equipping individuals with the necessary tools and knowledge, DUI classes contribute to a decrease in repeat offenses and create a safer community.
Yes, you can start attending DUI classes before your court appearance. Proactively completing the classes may demonstrate responsibility and commitment to change, which could positively influence your case and potentially lead to reduced penalties.
Each DUI class provider may have its own rules and guidelines, such as attendance, participation, and completion deadlines. It’s essential to adhere to these rules to successfully fulfill your requirements and avoid additional penalties.
DUI class providers often have different courses tailored to specific situations, including classes for underage drivers or those with multiple offenses. Cornerstone DUI offers various courses to address the unique needs of each individual.
Screening and assessment help determine the appropriate level of DUI education and treatment for each individual. Based on the assessment, participants are referred to the most suitable DUI classes to address their specific needs and requirements.
Attending DUI classes is often mandatory but may not result in the removal of the conviction from your driving record. However, completing the classes can help you regain your driving privileges, satisfy court requirements, and demonstrate your commitment to change.
DUI classes are often part of a broader set of court-ordered requirements designed to address the consequences of a DUI charge. Completing the classes is typically necessary alongside other mandates like probation, community service, or the installation of ignition interlock devices. Fulfilling all court-ordered requirements is essential to avoid further penalties and demonstrate compliance with the law.

Still have questions about DUI Courses?

Our DUI specialists are here to explain the assessment process, answer any questions you may have, and ensure that you enroll in the right courses to satisfy your DUI requirements.

All our classes Online

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DUI Educational Resources

We offer you the information you need

How serious is a DUI?

How Serious is a DUI?

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a large offense that involves operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs. This reckless behavior endangers not

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How DUI Works

How DUI Works

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense that jeopardizes the safety of everyone on the road. When a person operates a vehicle while

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